Hand Workshop Art Center
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Richmond, VA 23220
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Photography Classes
New Darkroom and Classroom Opens in April
- Basic 35mm Photography
- The Photographer’s Eye
- Black & White Crash Course
- Beginning Black & White Darkroom Photography
- Intermediate Black & White Darkroom Photography
- Open Black & White Darkroom
- Digital Cameras for Beginners
- Handcoloring Black & White Prints
- Winter at Ginter: Picturing Gardens
Basic 35mm Photography
This technical course is designed for beginners seeking a working knowledge of the 35mm camera. Through lectures and demonstrations, the instructor covers all facets of non-darkroom photography, including camera operation, guidelines for achieving proper exposures, and techniques for creating successful photo images. Students are expected to shoot and process one roll of 35mm slide film each week for in-class critiques. Students must provide their own manually adjustable 35mm camera.
- Tuition: $125 (members $110)
Carlie Collier
6 Tuesdays, March 1 – April 5
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
The Photographer’s Eye
A good photograph succeeds for one reason – because it was well seen. Visual sensitivity and aesthetic considerations are ultimately just as important as technical know-how in making memorable photo-images. This class examines the creative approaches and visual elements that will help improve your photographs. Students will explore the vocabulary of vantage point, framing, composition, abstraction, and light. Students need a 35mm camera for this class. Students are expected to shoot and process one roll of 35mm slide film each week for in-class critiques.
- Tuition: $125 (members $110)
Carlie Collier
6 Tuesdays, April 12 – May 24 no class March 29
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Black and White Crash Course
In this class students learn how to use a 35mm camera applying fully manual operations, shutter speed, aperture, etc. The class also includes an introduction to the darkroom and black and white printmaking. If you are a beginner or just need a thorough review, this class provides you with basic technical information while applying compositional and aesthetic information to help you make better photographs and express yourself creatively.
- Sarah Thompson
Tuition $165 (members $150)
Lab Fee: $20
8 Wednesdays, April 6 – May 25
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Beginning Black & White Darkroom Photography
Beginning Dark Room
Here’s that basic black-and-white darkroom course you always wanted to take. It covers film development, printing, and darkroom safety. You should be proficient in the operation of a manually adjustable 35mm camera and have one ready for use. Instruction includes weekly assignments, lectures, discussions, and critiques. Materials discussed the first day of class.
- Tuition: $180 (members $165)
Lab Fee: $20
Stephen Moody
10 Mondays, March 21 – May 23
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Intermediate Black & White Darkroom Photography
This is the logical next step for photographers who have successfully completed the beginning darkroom course or who know the basics of black-and-white film paper and processing. Students refine their skills while expanding their creative range and explore different films, paper grades, photochemistry, and archival processing. Materials discussed the first day of class.
- Tuition: $180 (members $165)
Lab Fee: $20
Sarah Thompson
10 Thursdays, March 24 – May 26
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Open Black & White Darkroom
This class is perfect for the student who is interested in spending more time in the darkroom. On six consecutive Saturdays the darkroom is open and staffed by a technical assistant. Students must be enrolled in a class or have prior darkroom experience. Students need to supply their own paper, apron and towel.
- Staff
Tuition: $125 (members $110)
Lab fee: $20
6 Fridays, April 1 – May 27 no class April 22
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Digital Cameras for Beginners
All Levels
A one-day workshop designed to jump-start and enhance your knowledge of digital cameras. This workshop will cover the basic elements of the digital camera as well as an introduction to some simple and effective methods of retouching and color correcting in Adobe Photoshop and Elements. Please bring your digital camera if you have one.
- Amanda Anthony
Tuition: $65 (members $55)
Saturday, May 21
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lidded Forms
From casseroles to sugar bowls, this six-week throwing intensive focuses on lidded forms. The emphasis is on creating lids that fit the form technically and aesthetically. At least four lid styles are demonstrated. Basic throwing skills required.
- Pamela Rennolds
Tuition: $140 (members $125)
Materials Fee: $20
6 Tuesdays, April 19 – May 24
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Handcoloring Black & White Prints
All Levels- lecture and workshop
The possibilities are endless when applying color by hand to black & white prints. Students will be introduced to the history of the medium as well as to the wide variety of methods, materials, and applications. Step-by-step techniques will be discussed and demonstrated for oil and water based color. Students should bring several 5×7” or 8×10” black & white prints. All other materials are supplied.
- Carlie Collier
Tuition: $75 (members $65)
Saturday, April 9
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Winter at Ginter: Picturing Gardens
All Levels
Many are drawn to the garden as a source of artistic inspiration. In the course students will explore how artists have depicted gardens, and will also take several field trips to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden to make their own photographs. Class sessions will include lecture and review of photographs. Students may use any type of camera but must produce prints for classroom review.
- Charles Gustina
Tuition: $135 (members $125)
6 Saturdays, February 12 – March 19 (includes two meetings at Ginter)
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.