Hand Workshop Art Center
1812 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220
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Fiber Classes
- Keep Me Warm – Hatfelting
- Felt-a-Rug Workshop
- Yarn from the Spinning Wheel
- Spinning in the Springtime
- Weaving
- Learn to weave in a Weekend!
- Socks from the Spindle
- Kumihimo
- Sheep to shawl – Woven
- The Knitted Scarf
- Silk Scarf Painting
- Traditional Rug Hooking One-Day Workshop
- Traditional Rug Hooking
Keep Me Warm! – Hatfelting
All Levels
In this one day workshop, students will utilize the ancient art of felting to create wonderful, colorful hats. Using wet felting techniques, students will transform simple wool into exuberant hats. Students bounce ideas off one another and share ideas. This class is recommended for friends to take together, because it is as fun and playful, as it is creative and enriching. The goal of this class is to enjoy one another and to make 2 hats each.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $65 (members $55)
Materials fee: $15.00
Saturday, January 22
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Felt-a-Rug Workshop
All Levels
In this one day workshop, students will learn the ancient art of Felting. Implementing wet felting techniques, we will use sheep’s wool to create inspired, one-of-a-kind felt rugs. In this class, we will work individually to layout and design our rugs. Then we will work cooperatively to coax the wool into felt. The rugs, though beautiful, will be wonderful reminders of how our lives are enhanced by our connections to others. This is a wonderful class to take with friends.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $65 (members $55)
Materials Fee: $15.00
Saturday, February 26
10:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Yarn from the Spinning Wheel
All Levels
We will begin spinning on spinning wheels in this class. Each student will work on a contemporary spinning wheel to create yarn from various materials, including wool. If your interests are in the fiber arts, this is a great class for you. We will cover techniques on drafting, spinning and plying. In addition to spinning wool into yarn, we will also discuss the various breeds of sheep and how their wools vary, which will lead into a discussion of which breeds to use for which projects. Once you capture the technique, you can expand to exotics, like mohair, camel hair, or even cashmere! For students with a more avant-garde flair, there is opportunity to spin the unconventional also. Spin fabric in to wonderful designer yarns. Add beads, or feathers to your yarn, open up your imagination and soar! This class can be fun, fun, fun and produces yarns for knitting, weaving, crocheting, or your other artistic creations. We will meet at several different locations outdoors as weather permits.
Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $100 (members $85)
- Section A
4 Sundays, February 6 – 27
Materials Fee: $15.00
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. - Section B
4 Thursdays, March 10 – 31
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Spinning in the Springtime
All Levels
This class is the same description as Yarn from the Spinning Wheel, but students will meet and spin various historical sites throughout the city on Sunday afternoons. A chance to get out and see new sites while learning to spin and to introduce spinning to a wider audience.
Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $100 (members $85)
Materials Fee: $15.00
- Section A
4 Sundays, April 3-24
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. - Section B
4 Thursdays, May 5-26
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
All Levels
This class is designed for all levels of weaving. New students who sign up for one session will dress the loom for a simple project and weave it. Students who take 2 or more sessions, will learn to dress the loom, and weave multiple projects of progressively greater complexity. Students may contact the instructor in advance to discuss projects and materials needs. What can you weave? In 4 weeks, maybe you can weave a rug, a scarf, or wall hanging. In 8 weeks, maybe you can weave a set of placemats, a rug, towels, or two projects. In 12 weeks, you can weave several holiday gifts, like scarves, towels, rag rugs, or purses. Mostly what you will make is a weaver….YOU! Come join us! Students may use HWAC materials, purchase from the instructor, or supply their own. Instructor will contact students prior to class to discuss projects.
Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $100 (members $85)
- Section A
4 Tuesdays, February 1 – 22
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. - Section B
4 Tuesdays, March 8 – 29
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. - Section C
4 Tuesdays, April 5 – 26
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. - Section D
4 Tuesdays, May 3 – 24
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. - Section E
4 Thursdays, February 10 – March 3
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Learn to weave in a Weekend!
All Levels
This is an intense weekend of weaving. Students will dress their looms with mohair yarn and weave off a warm, sensual mohair shawl in a weekend workshop. We will begin with an evening of measuring out our warp. Returning Saturday morning, we will wind the warp onto the loom, and pull through the heddles and reed, preparing for Sunday, the culmination of the weekend, as we weave off a beautiful, lofty mohair shawl. Materials fee of $30.00 for mohair yarn…..or students provide their own.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $100 (members $85)
Friday, January 28, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 29, 10:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 30, 1:00 – 4 :00 p.m.
Socks from the Spindle
Knitting experience needed
This class is especially for the knitter, who wants to spin his/her own yarns for socks. In this Saturday workshop, we will spin colorful dyed fleece into beautiful yarns for socks. Students need have no spinning experience, but should be knitters, who will use this yarn for socks. We will have a wonderful time learning together, students will spin their yarns from the spinning wheel, the drop spindle, or a thigh spindle.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $65 (members $55)
Materials fee: $15.00
Saturday, May 7
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
All Levels
Kumihimo is the ancient Japanese art of silk braiding. This is a relaxing class in which students will produce silk braids for home decorating, jewelry, and garment trims and embellishments.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $65 (members $55)
Saturday, February 19
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sheep to Shawl – Woven
Spinning/weaving experience needed
In this wonderful workshop, our spinners will spin yarn from a cleaned fleece, providing weft for a specific weaver. The weaver will dress their loom on Friday evening and begin on Saturday to weave off a pair of shawls, one for the weaver and one for the spinner. Each participant will continue either weaving, or spinning throughout the weekend, until they have produced shawls for both of them. The weaving/spinning instructor will match up pairs of weavers and spinners to compliment each other’s abilities. Each participant will leave with a complete shawl that she/and a partner have hand-spun and hand-woven together. The class is a great bonding experience for all participants, but especially for those paired together. Students must register by March 21.
- Cherri Hankins
Tuition: $100 (members $85)
Friday, April 1, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 2, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 3, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The Knitted Scarf
All Levels
Learn to knit while exploring the latest in novelty scarves. “Hip” to traditional styles will be reviewed and you will create your own scarf(s). Learn the basic stitches and create your own scarf patterns. Demonstrations and examples will be provided and discussions will include basic knitting techniques and terminology, “yarn facts” and how to use color combinations. We will also learn how to add-on those edgy finishes, tassels, pompoms and fringe. A materials list will be mailed.
Tuition: $75 (members $65)
- Section A – Catherine Southall
4 Thursdays, February 3 – 24
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Section B – Catherine Southall
4 Mondays, February 7 – 28
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Silk Scarf Painting
In this workshop, students learn to transfer their own designs to silk. Mixing dyes to achieve desired colors, using watercolor techniques for special effects and how to set the dye permanently are covered. By the end of the day, students leave with their very own hand-painted scarf! A materials fee of $25 is due to the instructor on the day of the workshop.
- Maripat Hyatt
Tuition: $60 (members $50)
Saturday, March 12
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Traditional Rug Hooking One-Day Workshop
If you have always wanted to learn how to hook rugs, this class is definitely for you! In this one day workshop, students will be introduced to the fiber art of traditional rug hooking using narrow strips of wool fabric. Basic technique, backings, wool selection, and tools used to make hand hooked rugs will be discussed. Class includes a brief history of rug hooking, different styles of rugs, selection of designs, and finishing. Students will select from several patterns to begin a small hand hooked mat. The kit will include pattern on linen backing, wools, and hook. Students should bring scissors and a 14 inch quilter’s hoop or rug hooking frame, or you may purchase one from instructor. The class is suitable for ages 14 and up.
- Mary Henck
Tuition: $65 (members $50)
Materials fee (payable to instructor): $45
Saturday, March 19
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
onal Rug Hooking
All levels
Learn how to make a hand hooked rug using strips of wool fabric just like our ancestors did over 100 years ago! Students new to traditional rug hooking will learn basic techniques to create a small hooked mat from a selection of patterns. Materials will include pattern on linen backing, wool, and hook. Class discussion includes a history of rug hooking, color planning, design selection, and finishing techniques. There will also be a brief introduction to non-dye methods for dyeing wool suitable for rug hooking. Returning or experienced students may bring their own pattern and wool or purchase from instructor. Students may contact instructor in advance to discuss their project. Students should bring their own scissors and 14 inch quilter’s hoop or rug hooking frame, or you may purchase one from instructor. The class is for ages 14 and up.
- Mary Henck
Tuition: $90 (members $75)
Materials fee (payable to instructor): $45
4 Wednesdays, April 6 – 27
6:30- 9:00 p.m.