
Hand Workshop Art Center
1812 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220

Jan. 21 – March 13Adaptation Syndrome: Painting in Contemporary Image Culture
Opening events on Friday, Feb. 4, include an introduction and panel discussion from 4-6 p.m. at the Grace Street Theater. Opening reception is 6-8 p.m. at the HWAC.
Feb. 16Summer Artventure class schedule will be available on-line.
April 1 – May 15Photography Exhibition – A Random Portrait of Virginia: Photographs by Glen McClure
April 22Collector’s Night Benefit Auction (at the HWAC)
May 8Mother’s Day Open House at the Hand Workshop.
June 3 – July 24On Site/Artists’ Projects: Nancy Blum
June 6Summer Adult Classes begin.
June 20Summer Artventure Classes begin.
Nov. 18-202005 Craft & Design Show — Application deadline for artists is May 27. To receive a Call for Entry application, e-mail [email protected] and provide a mailing address.

-> 2004 Craft & Design Show — Read a summary and access artist information.